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Looking for a fabulous host? Need a unique offciant for your wedding? Looking for the perfect entertainer for your party or event? Look no further. MIss Vodka Stinger is the answer to your entertaining woes. A singer, a comedian, miss stinger is truly the hostess with the mostess.
"“An expert on all things Broadway, drag star Vodka Stinger did a scintillating act at 54 Below last week, backed by singers known as The Martha Rayes. Fizzy Vodka performed everything from a medley spanning Broadway’s weird treatment of Native Americans to a stirring version of “The Ladies Who Lunch” (the boozy number that birthed her drag name), which any smart producer would let her do in the next Company revival. Everybody Rise!”
- Michael Musto Out Magazine
"The show stealer has to be Garth Schilling playing the Courtesan. His well-known persona, Miss Vodka Stinger, is a legend in New York City and innovative casting led to a reimagining of this role. With a soulful rasp and fantastically exaggerated guise, Schilling commanded the stage and seduced an audience that did not expect to fall so deeply for such an undesirable character." - Rodney Rodriguez
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